Upcoming Events

Shared Kitchen Workshop 101
April 6 – 8, 2025
C’Mon Inn Bozeman
Please join us for this workshop on shared-use commercial kitchens, connect with other kitchens and organizations working on impactful food systems projects, and get your kitchen project to the next step.
This workshop is made possible by the Food Corridor, a boutique software company with strong connections to the shared-use kitchen community of practice, Mission West, and Hopa Mountain.
This workshop will be facilitated by the Food Corridor. Through their kitchen management tools, nationwide kitchen directory and lead generation site (The Kitchen Door), and active online community of shared kitchen operators (Network for Incubator and Commissary Kitchens, aka the NICK), they have learned about best practices and strategies to support kitchen operators at all stages. They are excited to share these industry insights with you to support the important work you’re doing in your communities.
The final agenda for this workshop is going to be shaped by you. We ask that you indicate your interest in participating in this workshop by January 31, so you can talk directly with Tyler Sangermano at the Food Corridor to shape the topics that will be presented. Here is a sample of topics that could be covered:
• Project planning and budgeting
• Finding renters and kitchen users
• Identifying funding sources
• Providing incubation services and business training
• Pricing structures and billing
• Building out a physical kitchen space
• Marketing your kitchen
• Making connections with the shared kitchen community
• Kitchen operation logistics (scheduling, billing, document management)
• Kitchen culture (policies and rules)

Strengthening the Circle Northern Rockies Gathering
Strengthening the Circle Northern Rockies Gathering
C’Mon Inn Bozeman
April 14th – 17th
Open to all Native-led nonprofits in the Northern Rockies
A Native nonprofit leadership program whose purpose is to enhance the capacities of experienced and emerging Native-led nonprofit organizations on or near reservations.
Eligible organizations working to improve economic development, education, and social services are invited to apply:

Summer College Prep Retreat
Click to register. Free-of-charge college prep training for rising juniors and seniors in high school. Register by June 30th

Strengthening the Circle | Virtual Gathering
Virtual Gathering via Zoom
February 25th & 26th
Open to all Native-led nonprofits
A Native nonprofit leadership program whose purpose is to enhance the capacities of experienced and emerging Native-led nonprofit organizations on or near reservations.
Eligible organizations working to improve economic development, education, and social services are invited to apply:
Scholarship Workshop for Seniors and Parents
Led by Lucy Rath
Scholars of Promise Program Coordinator
It’s time for seniors to start working on scholarship applications! Many outstanding scholarships are currently accepting applications, and even more will open in the coming weeks. Join us for our Fall Scholarship Workshops on two different dates, where you’ll get an overview of available opportunities, tips for crafting a strong application, and a chance to ask questions.
Zoom Link >
Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903
Nonprofit Essentials – Staying Legit
Join Natalie Anderson and Hopa Mountain staff for a discussion of essential federal and state filings that are due this time of year.
Zoom link –
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903
Martin Luther King Day
Dr. Martin Luther King Day
January 20, 2025 - A National Day of Service
Dr. Martin Luther King Day on January 20 will be marked as a National Day of Service. Hopa Mountain will be supporting this Day of Service in several ways, including encouraging reading events with children. Literacy is a civil right - one that Dr. King was passionate about.
Most people know Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as one of our nation’s foremost civil rights leaders. His love of reading and passion for learning was foundational to his ideals, speeches, and advocacy work.
We want to highlight the importance of literacy as part of marking this year's celebration. If you are interested in organizing a reading event in your community that day, we are glad to help you think through some activities, in addition to those listed online. We can share Hopa Mountain's StoryMakers bookmarks and resource materials too.
Preparing for Law School
This online workshop will offer valuable insights and guidance as you prepare to apply and matriculate into law school.
Facilitated by Shelbi Fitzpatrick 1L, Stanford Law School, Gabriella Blatt, 1L, Stanford Law School, Erica Mendez 1L, University of Wisconsin Law School, and Manuel Lewis 1L, University of Michigan Law School
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903

Financials for Food Hubs
Sarah Larsen, Director of the Food Finance Institute, will provide an overview of financial metrics for food hubs and how to organize financial statements for them.

Local Food Marketplace Software for Food Hubs
Amy McCann and Stefanie Jaeger will provide an overview of Local Food Marketplace software for local food producer and hub operations.
Ready to Rebrand Your Organization?
Whether your organization is just getting started, or is well established, this session led by Jill Neumeister (Pawnee), Principal Designer with Orca Design Group, will walk through the key items of your organization’s brand as you consider how you envision yourselves and how others see you in preparation for developing a website and other marketing tools.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903
Understanding the 990 Form
The 990 is the tax form the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires all 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable and nonprofit organizations to submit annually. The Form 990 is designed to increase financial transparency and includes revenue, expenditure, and income data in addition to information used to assess whether a nonprofit aligns with federal requirements for tax-exempt status. The forms are publicly accessible, and often reviewed by funders and community members, so it is important that an organization’s Board and staff understand what is contained within them, how to use the 990 to highlight important aspects of your work, and how to read them. In this session, CPA Rosie Barndt will review the 990 form and important components of it that you should be aware of as a nonprofit leader that is sharing public information.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903

Lessons Learned from Successful Food Hubs in Montana
A panel of speakers representing Montana’s current successful food hubs will offer an overview of their unique business models and the geographic areas and markets they serve.
Building an Annual Board and Finance Calendar
With the New Year upon us, now is the time to build a 2025 Board and Finance calendar, so everyone knows key due dates and their responsibilities to keep a nonprofit organization compliant with annual filing requirements. Sample calendars will be shared that reflect the work of well-established organizations and emerging organizations in this session.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903

Thinking About Starting A Food Hub
To kick off our Food Hub Training Series, Jan Tusick, Executive Director of Mission West Community Development Corporation, will provide an overview on what is a food hub is and how they operate.

Incorporating Traditional Foods in School and Community Meals
Have you been thinking about how to serve more traditional Indigenous food in your school or community meal program? In this session led by Linda Black Elk, Educational Outreach Program Coordinator for NATIFS, the North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems, learn how you can increase the traditional foods served in your school, community or child nutrition programs. Linda will also discuss where you can purchase more traditional foods - whether locally or through conventional food providers.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903
Creating Boards that Lead
A Discourse on Nonprofit Board Development, Board Operations and Responsibilities
If you are a member of a nonprofit board, or would like to become one, this nonprofit board training workshop is for you. This board development workshop will focus on the roles and responsibilities of nonprofit board members and getting Boards energized.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903
Creating A Memorable Annual Appeal Letter
Are you ready to create an annual appeal letter or looking to improve the one you plan to send this year? If so, please join us for this online workshop led by fundraising expert, Laura Prindiville. In this session, she will review the elements of a well-crafted annual appeal letter and share examples of successful ones. Follow up support will be offered for those who want one-on-one support to finalize their appeal letter soon.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903
Crafting a Compelling Grant Proposal
A compelling grant proposal should be concise, engaging, and demonstrate the value and impact of the proposed project. In this session focused on grant writing, we will share tips to writing a strong executive summary, need statement, and project description.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903

Strengthening the Circle
The fall 2024 STC Native Nonprofit Leadership gathering will take place October 21 - 24 at the K Bar S Lodge in Keystone, South Dakota for executive directors and Board members from South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota along with the Native Nations in the same geography. Applications will be accepted from a team of Native nonprofit executive directors and Board members.
Medical Mentorship Program
Undergraduate students and recent graduates that are underrepresented in medicine are invited to apply to the Medical Mentorship Program.
The AAMC defines “underrepresented in medicine” as: “racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population.” Our definition is broader and also includes first generation college students, those that come from low-income families and other disadvantaged backgrounds. If you are a pre-med student and meet one of these criteria, please apply.
The Medical Mentorship Program provides accepted students with mentorship, MCAT test prep support, and assistance with MD and DO applications to help students apply and be successful in medical school. For more information and to participate in these online programs, please email info@hopamountain.org.
Board Brief: I Must Respectfully Disagree
Board Brief: I Must Respectfully Disagree. In this session ,we discuss conflict confidence on Boards. Every Board must be able to have crucial conversations, without creating harm or disrespect. We discuss the difficulty of disagreement with elders, family members and friends.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903
Board Brief: Who’s On (Really) Board?
Board Brief: Who’s On (Really) Board? In this session, we will discuss board members as volunteers, especially what are legitimate expectations for your board. We explore how an annual review could make a difference in knowing who is on board and who is not.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903
Board Brief: What is Our Crisis Plan?
Board Brief: What is Our Crisis Plan? Is your board ready to act calmly when (not if) crisis occurs? In this session, we will consider three (3) scenarios for which every board can be ready: unexpected staff and board changes, media crisis and sudden financial distress.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903
The Medicine Wheel Riders arrive in Bozeman
Enjoy a screening of their award-winning film, We Ride for Her in Bozeman at 8 p.m.
Board Brief: Do We Need Really a Strategic Plan
Board Brief: Do We Need Really a Strategic Plan? In this session, we will consider five (5) practical questions every board member should be able to answer with one voice at any given time. We will discuss how a strategic plan can help surface and answer these questions.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903
Additional sessions in this series:
Thursday, August 15, 10 a.m. MT
Board Brief: What is Our Crisis Plan? Is your board ready to act calmly when (not if) crisis occurs? In this session, we will consider three (3) scenarios for which every board can be ready: unexpected staff and board changes, media crisis and sudden financial distress.
Thursday, September 12, 10 a.m. MT
Board Brief: Who’s On (Really) Board? In this session, we will discuss board members as volunteers, especially what are legitimate expectations for your board. We explore how an annual review could make a difference in knowing who is on board and who is not.
Thursday, September 26, 10 a.m. MT
Board Brief: I Must Respectfully Disagree. In this session ,we discuss conflict confidence on Boards. Every Board must be able to have crucial conversations, without creating harm or disrespect. We discuss the difficulty of disagreement with elders, family members and friends.
Grant Writing with Purpose
In this session, participants will be introduced to the fundamentals of good grant writing, including how to complete online grant application forms. You will also learn tips on how to craft a compelling request and clarify your organization's message in a proposal.
Getting Ready for Grant Writing
Are you gearing up for fall grant writing, a time when many request for proposals (RFP) and applications are released? This online webinar will help you think through a strategy to organize essential documents to prepare you for your grant writing work. You will learn tips on how to research RFPs, outline work plans, and prepare to write winning proposals.
Planning for Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is an organization’s process of defining its direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. In this workshop, participants will learn about the elements of a strategic plan and how to implement a strategic planning process for their organization.
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Meeting ID: 885 6463 7160
Passcode: 064903