This is an action plan with suggestions to help you stay on track for college.
Meet with your guidance counselor to ensure you are enrolled in college track courses
Focus on doing well in your courses and seek extra help from peers, teachers, and tutors when needed
Establish goals for the year, like:
Outside school
New interests
Mastering existing interests
Contuing re-evaluate your engagement in school activities
Attend college fairs or college open houses in your area and become more specific on likes/dislike of certain
Talk to friends, relatives, etc. who are in college/went to college and ask them about their experiences. Be sure to ask about both positive and negative aspects their school
Keep focused on doing well in classes and seek extra help when needed
Expand your extra-curricular activities or focus more on areas of interest
Meet with your Guidance Counselor to select courses and establish goals for Sophomore year
Establish a summer plan, like:
A summer enrichment program at a local tribal college or university
A paying job
An internship or apprenticeship
More aggressively research scholarship opportunities and re-evaluate college and college financial options.
Create a more focused college list
Plan spring break or summer visits to colleges to experience the different types of college settings. Note your preferences for campus size and location