This is an action plan with suggestions to help you stay on track for college.
Meet with your guidance counselor to ensure you are enrolled in college track courses
Establish goals for the year. Examples:
Outside of school
New Interests
Mastering existing interests
Emphasize strengthening Language Arts and Algebra I-II skills
Prioritize how you want to become involved in the school (clubs, student government, sports, music, etc.)
Volunteer for local activities to become a part of your community
Keep focused on doing well in classes and seek extra help when needed
Meet with your Guidance Counselor to select courses and establish goals for Sophomore year
Create a broad college search plan and make a list of colleges to which you want to apply
Establish a summer plan, like:
A summer enrichment program at a local tribal college or university
A paying job
An internship or apprenticeship
Talk with your parents/guardian about some college goals and funding options.
Assessing assets and savings
Research scholarships, grants, and loans